четверг, 7 апреля 2016 г.

Some thoughts on registration

Recently while working on my screenshot sharing tool Fileshare I came across a service to upload and share images called puush.

It required to create account in order to get API key for image upload. Registration is very simple: just enter email and a password. What you may expect is that you'll need to prove that email belongs to you. But no. Your account is already active: you may use any email to register.

Btw they do send you an email after the registration with the following contents:
Welcome to puush! 
You are now ready to login to your puush app(s) using your new account. Your username is your email address. 
The puush Team 
(If you didn't request this, simply ignore this email and we won't contact you again)

(original image by Anastasia Lemova, https://new.vk.com/komks)

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